Home > Outreach > Fact sheets & GEANS Stories Fact Sheets A curated SEQUENCE LIBRARY: the fundament of all DNA-based monitoring DNA-based monitoring: BULK SAMPLES versus ENVIRONMENTAL DNA Monitoring Non-Indigenous Species (NIS) in the marine environment Autonomous Reef Monitoring System: the methodology Reproducibility and robustness of metabarcoding Detecting DNA: metabarcoding vs. qPCR GEANS stories eDNA supplements scuba diver observations in hard substrate monitoring Monitoring of non-indigenous species in ports and shipping lanes DNA-based impact monitoring: the case of sand extraction in Belgium Biofouling on recreational vessels: metabarcoding for rapid screening of NIS Identifying North Sea fish with nanopore sequencing, using eDNA Detecting NIS in Danish harbors: visual screening vs. metabarcoding vs. qPCR DNA-based impact monitoring: the case study of long-term monitoring at Norderney Island Detecting fauna in Belgian wind farms, using eDNA Soft sediment monitoring for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive The GEANS reference library of North Sea macrobenthos Website developed and maintained by Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ) | Privacy Policy